Siren for Cyber Threat Intelligence: Keep Your Networks Safe

Cybersecurity threats represent the single greatest menace to governments and corporates today. It takes little imagination to consider the catastrophic effect of a nation losing control of critical IT infrastructure, corporates losing control of key intellectual property, or any organization becoming a victim of sabotage or extortion. This report highlights the importance of cyber threat intelligence and the role of Siren in keeping networks safe.

Enhance Cyber Threat Intelligence

Siren offers comprehensive capabilities for cyber threat hunting and analysis, providing visibility into the threat landscape and enabling the detection of emerging threats.

Mapping MITRE Att&ck and OSINT

Siren leverages the MITRE Att&ck model to define and categorize attack patterns while mapping them to open-source intelligence (OSINT) feeds. This integration helps identify motivations behind cyber threats and establish connections between datasets.

Streamlined Investigation and Insights

Analysts can easily navigate and explore data through intuitive graphs, relational navigators, and knowledge graphs, enabling them to quickly gain insights and understand the relationships between alerts and suspicious behaviors.

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